Inspiration by Design

Habib Architects Inc.

103-325 S. Archibald Street

Thunder Bay, ON P7E 1G6

Phone: (807) 623-1021

Fax: (807) 623-4770

Habib’s Vision for the Fort William Downtown

For over 20 years we all have been searching for solutions; how to ‘reinvent’ the downtown to its former glory.

Habib moved to Thunder Bay in 1987 and did not live the glory days, but after looking at old images and history for this area it is heartbreaking for him to see the deterioration and how it is negatively affecting all the businesses and citizens of the community.
Habib does not believe what made this area so successful in the past as a shopping/commercial district can be brought back. Our shopping habits have changed. Box stores and malls provide convenience, style, cost, security and volume necessary for today’s shoppers; leaving former buildings empty.

Lacking new use, puts landowners and businesses into a very challenging situation to maintain the buildings or businesses. Property values plummet; buildings deteriorate, become abandoned or get demolished, reducing city’s tax base and paves way to vandals; creating a no longer safe environment for citizens to visit.

The Vision

Habib believes this can be changed and the downtown can be ‘reinvented’ by taking a different path. Thunder Bay has very limited public spaces where citizens can walk and shop freely, have coffee or lunch with friends and family; experience more unique local flavour in food services and products, not available in large malls and box stores. Here the buildings are unique, carrying on culture, history and personal touch of someone;  we bump into people,  we can walk freely  and safely from store to store, kiosk to kiosk. A place to shop, be entertained, eat, rest, meet a friend, where local products and aroma dominates- the “All Season Pedestrian Market.”




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